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Matrix 4 - Disk 2

Disk 2: "Extra supplementary information for people wishing to know more
about reality".

-- Increased information pertaining to to Artificial Intelligence creation
of Earth --

Genetics improvement for A.I. beings could engage requests from parents to
create offspring or a visual presentation of a "tuned child" could be custom
made by the parents. This would enable the parents to create what is more to
their liking.

In the first statement of "requests", the parents would be interrogated
multiple times during life and they would provide information to the program
creating a potential child of what should be changed about the parents'
appearance. For example: The father might say "I don't want to go bald", so
the child could be created to sustain more follicle life so that hair exists
longer. The mother could be questioned and she might say, "I wish I was a
little bit taller", the child would then have a nice head of hair and be
taller than the mother and fathers' combination for a perfect balance, thus
effecting and creating the offset other than being random.

In the second statement of a "tuned child", the parents would be shown
various images of what they can include or take away from their child. They
could for example: select breast size, hair color, and make the child look
more or less like the father or mother in various areas.


The information I have to present here is regarding the statistical analysis
of Artificial Intelligent beings.

I thought of an idea for creating statistical analysis for A.I beings. here
is an example: you could figure out that joe blow learned 54% of his
information with eye sight and 40% of his information from his ears

You could figure out that 24.75% of his traits come from his father and
10.647% from his mother, the rest of the percentage would be "his own
traits" (self acquired) or from other people. Traced knowledge would be sent
to the database which would represent the beings' brain from various sources
so that the sources are remembered. Here on Earth, as humans, it is
difficult to know for certain where you learned a particular article or

Calculations for rate of increase and/or decrease of propagation of
knowledge from one being to one or more other beings could be completed by
analyzing the present and/or future statistics. You would be able to select
whom would be the most knowledgeable within a world and then you could
select these people to administrate an intelligence/knowledge agency (for
instance). Another example, is that if a person was highly knowledgeable in
physics or mathematics, these people could be noted to be physicists or

It would be divine to have a terrain or element code log so that analysis
could be determined for things. ie: it could be determined that a person
knows 57.71679% of information from ink in books that they read. The
elements required to make ink would be understood at any time, in any place
and when they are looked upon, statistics would be updated in the database.


It would be vast and unique to have all terrain in a virtual world setup so
that weight can be judged. The CN Tower weighs 130,000 tons (117,910 metric
tonnes) equal to the weight of 23,214 large elephants according to
architects of the CN tower. It would be much nicer to know how many
billionths or trillionths of a gram it weighs bu understanding the
foundation and more relevantly the terrain weight of the tower. Using
terrain weight scales, everything could be weight judged on-the-fly via a
systematic function.

-- End of increased information pertaining to to Artificial Intelligence
creation of Earth --



Santa Claus died on the cross.

Do you have GPS?...Well if so, do you plan on getting lost?

Are you closed for business? Well if so - shut up.

If your going out, then just go away.

I love cocaine. I'd rather be a cocaine user than a dick head

Even the retarded people think I'm fuckin' retarded.

You know what - chicken butt. (The actual physical chicken butt).

Put a cork up your butt and plug it.

would you like to get kissed by a skunk?

Why did the chicken cross the road? To blow his load.

Whoopee cushion.

You know the kids in the hall? What about the kids at the mall - those boys
were butt fucking.

Even me couldn't make people better than me :)



Everything returns to the same place in time. ie: Notice how the planet
rotation around the Sun does not grow any closer or farther away from the
Sun in time. Another example would be "what goes around comes around". So,
with this being said, if you are keen on listening to music loud you will
return to listening to music loud. A traffic violator is more than likely
going to be a traffic violator in the future. A cold blooded murderer is
going to be a cold blooded murderer and a person that believes in god will
pray until the time is so that religion is undone. One way or another the
person will still think of contexts of religion even after faith is lost and
the cold blooded murder may get out of prison and not commit a crime, but
the thought of all of these things will return to the same state. The
murderer murdered people for a reason and that reason will still make him or
her angry in exactly the same way if that situation were to arise again.

Go and find where you are and you will find where we are.

Come to death and see what you believe in.

Come to life. and you immediately enter death mode.

My worship is my study.

My father told me "steak and red meat is bad for your cholesterol" and I
said "well things are bad for my blood? What about the wars that were fought
to make our country free - there was bloodshed there. The blood from the
people that are dead is within us and the blood that we have could never be
more than fine". I don't think anything is bad about peoples' blood or
"roots", or else we wouldn't be in peace today.

"Wonders never cease" some people say. They will cease when the facts are
known and there is nothing left to wonder about.

Everyone that contacts someone has a weakness because they rely on someone.
Self-reliant is the divine being.

-- Code 819 --

I want people to simply view my perspective on reality and intelligence in
general, but I certainly do not expect people to have any sort of belief in

-- End Code 819 --


Matrix 2 (The movie "Matrix Reloaded") review.

My review of the movie is that certain parts of it is based on the virtual
world that we live in.

First, the old black woman that was in the first matrix movie that was in
the house where the child was able to manipulate the spoon where Neo went to
get guidance from, said, while sitting on a park bench that things like
aliens or ghosts that people see are assimilation tactics to control society
by the matrix operators. This was discussed on the first page (disk 1).
Definitely this is true.

Second, it was mentioned that machines control people. Most things like
extra sensory perception, remote viewing and dreaming are an automated,
computerized task in most cases.

Third, Neo has dreams that are so real that is it hard to distinguish them
from when he is awake - this certainly happens to me. In fact, when some,
maybe all people are younger they may have a dream about urinating and then
they wet the bed for bladder control. I am sure in most cases the
fascination of dreams such as this that are to me, considered "hyper-real",
will lead people to understand what life is like to be myself, shampoo. Some
people have "hyper-real" dreams of falling, so that they don't go and jump
off of a balcony. Whatever dreams you may have had are dreams that people
continuously see if they are seriously involved in the real matrix, like
Matrix 4 members and anyone else needing to witness something for education
for satisfaction that has done something worthy enough to see a different,
peaceful or unpeaceful reality.

Fourth, The old man in the "panoramic" room very close to the end of the
movie was able to hear many of Neos' thoughts simultaneously - I can think
up to 3 things at once like Neo demonstrated, while most other humans can
only think one thought at a time.



Dinosaurs were here for the sole purpose of to fertilize the land and test
load conditions on the system architecture that the matrix is based on.

The universe is a screen that people can zoom in on with a telescope.



I have invented a mobile flux (transition) capacitor. The setup is for a
stable 120 volt system in any mobile vehicle. Here is what you need to make
a Flux capacitor for yourself:

You will need a standard car audio ~12 volt capacitor or multiple of them. I
use multiple Rockford Fosgate CPCC1's - 50 Farad Capacitor/Distribution

Now that the ~12 volt system in your automobile has been stabilized with
this capacitor(s) at ~12 volts you are ready for the flux.

To create the flux you will need to purchase a power inverter. I would
recommend a visit to Ebay and search for power inverter. You may find great
inverters made by Vector that can handle 15 amps per side. That is enough
power for up to 1800 watts RMS (continuous) x 2.

After this has been done you will want to smooth out the voltage. I use a
system designed for power conditioning for M.C.'s in night clubs. You will
need a Furman AR-PRO AC Line Voltage Regulator
( It will deliver 120 VAC