Allan Matthews wrote:
> In article <>, 
> says...
>>If the soul of Shinji's mother is in Unit 01, and if Asuka's mother is 
>>in Unit-02, then whose soul is in Unit-00?

And which souls inhabit 03 - 13?

> I do not believe it has ever been conclusively stated that there is a 
> soul in Unit-00, let alone whose it is.
> Personally, I side with those who think that Ritsuko's mom is in there.

I thought the soul of Ritsuko's mother was incorporated into one of the 
MAGI (Casper?). Why do people suggest it to be her? I do think it's 
likely to be a woman though, because of the protecting mothering 
instinct that becomes apparent with Unit 01 and Unit 02.

>>And why did it keep going 
>>crazy when it was initially activated?
> Well, it was the prototype after all.
> Also, if it is Ritsuko's mom in there we can understand why she might be 
> mad at Gendo and unaccepting of Rei.
> allan

       *Kriss Watt*