MonkeyBoy wrote:

> What do you do for health insurance, and do you use someone to do your
> taxes (if you don't mind my asking)?

I buy my own super-high deductible health insurance (myself only) for 
USD $120/mo ($5000 deductible, 100% after deductible).  I don't have 
kids, no chronic problems, so the only health issue I see coming are 
accidents.  Oh, while I'm posting, if you've got the money lying around, 
and have "risk factors" for heart disease, I'd get a cat scan of the 
heart done to see if there's any buildup.  I have slightly high 
cholesterol, and family history of people dropping dead from heart 
disease.  But the cat scan showed zero plaque in the heart, so I don't 
have to worry about dying by blockage induced cardiac arrest!  And I 
don't have to go on some funky diet or pop expensive heart meds either. 
  Since my cat scan wasn't "medically necessary", I had to foot the bill 
USD $1300, but it was worth it for the peace of mind.

Taxes, I had someone do them the first two years, then have been doing 
them myself once I saw how easy it was.  I haven't been audited, so 
maybe that's why it seems so easy?  On the other hand, I didn't file for 
  four years (but sent money in anyway every year).  One year I did 5 
years of tax returns... the gov't looked them over and found some 
mistakes and refunded even more money than I thought I had coming. No 
penalties or interest was assessed.