LB wrote:
> ifignow <> wrote, with annotated subtitles, maybe for
> the hard of comprehension:
>>This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
>>------ =_NextPart_000_0019_01C3D1C9.F1DE1140
>>Content- Type: text/plain;
>>  charset="iso- 2022-jp"
>>Content- Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>>I grew up in rural Japan 20 years ago when it was a very
>>different culture, where people were earnest and not pretentious.
> It was? Gosh. I must have missed that, way back then.

How pretentious! Almost like gloating about going to Japan 3 times.

>> Are there things to see here for
>>people who aren't into the shallowness?
> Mount Koya?

Only two problems with that. 1) He has gone to great lengths to specify 
that he isn't religious. 2) He wants to meet Japanese chicks. In each of 
my visits to koyasan there has been little to do at night other than go 
out for a couple of beers and some yakisoba, then head back to the 
lodgings for a bottle of beer with a monk.

I am not who I think I am
I am not who you think I am
I am who I think you think I am

...or some such shite.