Jason Cormier wrote:
 > On 12/15/03 12:05, in article 3FDDE9E0.BCEDB728@yahoo.co.jp, "Eric
 > Takabayashi" <etakajp@yahoo.co.jp> wrote:
 >> I passed in three. The previous low I had heard of was four, by
 >> another American who had also seemed to make mistakes.
 > Is this the norm a most testing centres? I passed my first time in
 > Mie (along with a number of other friends) and two of my friends
 > passed the first time in Aichi.
I passed my first time, in Kobe. Failed the manual transmission test a 
few weeks later, but I passed the automatic test first time around. (I 
didn't know there was a different license when I first went; most likely 
somebody told me at some point.)

John W.