I've been watching reports all evening, but I haven't
seen any Japanese beef grower reactions over the
finding of a "suspected" BSE infected cow in US
Washington State or the government "temporary" ban on
US beef and beef product imports, and many people
saying they will stop eating US beef or will switch to
Japanese beef, or the scenes of markets literally
pulling US beef from the shelves.

Is it because they think open celebration would be
distasteful, or do they not feel in a position to claim
their own product is safe? I love the way Japanese
reporters are now trumpeting the claim that "all"
Japanese beef animals are inspected (do they also clean
all work areas and use new blades on each carcass to
prevent infection from even a single animal in the
chain being sectioned?), while saying the way the US or
Australia does not inspect every animal means THEY are
not "100% safe".


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