Kevin Wayne Williams wrote:

> Eric Takabayashi wrote:
> > Kevin Wayne Williams wrote:
> >
> >>The 2-Belo wrote:
> >>
> >>>I wonder why no one ever considers what the US would think of Japan repealing
> >>>Article IX completely. I have a small hunch there are a great number of people
> >>>in the US government who would soundly applaud it.
> >>
> >>That may be, but some of the citizens would not. Whenever I hear of
> >>Japanese ships wandering the globe with armed Japanese soldiers on them,
> >>I tremble a little.
> >
> > Why?
> >
> Because many of the cultural traits that can make them infuriating to
> deal with in peacetime are desirable traits in soldiers.

Yes, which is why I say I can see why they acted as they did in their last period of
war. It is probably related to how they lived through much of their history, at
least since unification.

But do you really think they could do that again? Could they have a couple centuries
of open warfare on each other, or a half century of trying to conquer others? Not
only would they have to somehow be moved to do it, and they don't have the voice of
their god with them any more; neighboring "developing countries" like China could
now hand them their asses if they tried something funny. I wonder if Japan could
even take North Korea today.


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