Raj Feridun wrote:
> I've started conducting an experiment here. Thanks to all this talk of
> unkindness every single time I confront anyone Japanese anymore I'm
> always thinking about whether they're kind or not. So now I look
> people square in the eyes that I pass and although it's still very
> early in the trials something VERY strange is occurring. I take my 13
> month old daughter for a nice 30 minute stroll in her baby carriage
> every day and so far in the past 2 days I've passed 7 people of
> varying ages, all adults. Every single person that I made eye contact
> with so far has smiled and issued a greeting.
> I realize its WAY too early to draw any conclusions here and also
> there's that X factor that I'm a gaigin PLUS the cute little moptop
> baby girl in the carriage I'm pushing. Still, it's encouraging. I will
> report in with further results as the trials continue.

But that isn't a trial of kindness, its a trial of how people respond to 
what is to all intents and purposes a harmless freak show. In most parts 
of this fair land the chances of a Japanese denizen encountering a 
*male* gaigin pushing a cute baby girl along in a pram is only slightly 
higher than encountering a *male* bug eyed green martian pushing a cute 
baby bug eyed green martian along in a pram. Lose the prop and the 
response will probably change, outside Matsuyama's backblocks at least.

"All sepponians are loud, round overweight folk who think their opinions 
are facts" (except the Raj, who is emphatically not a fat bastard). All 
good Germans like beer. The Koreans are the French of Asia. Pommies are 
good at rugby"