> In article <3F4A4A38.6020608@yahoo.komm>, worthj1970@yahoo.komm says...
>> wrote:
>>>In article <>, 
>>> says...
>>>>Is this a new fashion of Japanese school girls?
>>>She is simply plugging her nose to escape the stench of your racism.
>>Not that I'm one to criticize, but that's sort of uncalled for.... 
>>Baiting, I believe that'd be called....
> Perhaps you're right.  My disgust with his constant racist posts may 
> have got the better of me.
I once went through months of it. Still have a bad taste in my mouth 
because all it ever got me was more insult/insulting words. After 
letting myself cool down on him a bit, I find it easier to ignore/tolerate.

Now, what we REALLY need is someone to pop in out of the blue and say 
something totally off the wall and insulting. We haven't had one of 
those in a loooooong time. I think everyone could use that bit of medicine.

John W.