Curt Fischer wrote:
> mukade wrote:

>>Why not use the free time you are GOING to have on the JET programme
>>to do a post-graduate course in a technical subject?
> If you mean take a class or two, that sounds like a good idea.  If you
> mean to pursue a post-graduate degree at a Japanese university, I do not
> recommend such an idea.  JET have tons of free time but not that much
> free time.

Unless I'm mistaken, I don't think Lee was referring to enrolment in a
local university (how many JETs end up in large cities with universities
runnning night schools in technical fields?), but perhaps a distance
learning option instead.

"You call Donald Rumsfeld and tell him our sorry asses are ready to go
home." - Private First Class Matthew O'Dell

tee hee