Ernest Schaal wrote:
> in article, Michael Cash at
> wrote on 7/7/03 6:18 AM:

>>Ummm.....Because 1) so many of them don't 2) it's easier than putting
>>forth an active police presence and 3) gives the impression that
>>something is being done about the problem?
>>If that ain't the answer, then I'm stumped.
> You don't see them in the US, do you?

Out of curiousity though, how many US cities have mass-transit subway 
systems comparable to those in Japan or with London, Paris etc? NYC? 
East coast only?

"Forget Spanish. There's nothing in that language worth reading except 
Don Quixote, and a quick listen to the CD of Man of La Mancha will take 
care of that. Who speaks it that you are really desperate to talk to? 
The help? Your leaf blower? Study French or German, where there are at 
least a few books worth reading, or if you're American, try English."

                        Dame Edna Everage

"If you have to explain satire to someone, you might as well give up,"

                        Barry Humphries