MAK (M$(D??(BK) SOFTWARE SUITE V3.2 (VR-Link, RTI (Run-Time Infrastructure),
Logger, Stealth, Plan-View-Display) - new !
1. M$(D??(BK VR-Link to network simulators and virtual reality
applications     using either the U.S. DoD’s High Level Architecture
(HLA) or the    Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) protocol

2. M$(D??(BK High Performance RTI (Run-Time Infrastructure) for High Level
 Architecture (HLA) compliant simulations to communicate.

3. M$(D??(BK Data Logger for capturing and relaying simulation data. With
an    intuitive GUI, users can record HLA or DIS messages to a file
and    replay them at their convenience to review and critique
simulation    exercises.

4. M$(D??(BK Stealth (3D visualization tool) for situation awareness,
simulation debugging or after-after review, to you can fly through a
virtual networked world using a choice of 11 attach modes, while
unobtrusively observing the action.

5. M$(D??(BK Plan View Display (PVD) (the virtual battlefield) by
overlaying    HLA or DIS entities and information onto 2D views of
tactical,    strategic, and visual databases, you gain new insight into
the    virtual battle.
for more .nfo, and for the next Part(s) please send e-mail ->astra@