Rob Kelly wrote:

> On 31 May 2003 22:46:36 GMT, (Hwhite2472) wrote:
> >Me, Zeruel333, came back to this newsgroup after so long and what do I see when
> >I return?
> >half a dozen of "Does Misato have a tighter vagina than Ritsuko? "
> >a few "Re: Which Evangelion female has the juciest vagina?"
> >almost a dozen of "Re: Does Rei have a tighter vagina than Asuka?"
> >and more ignorant perverted childish posts
> >
> >Yes, I am 'The Hentai One' but even I am not THAT perverted!! This shit is just
> >uncalled for!!
> >Take that perverted crap back to the dragonball newsgroup!! Sheesh!
> We've tried everything short of flaming them, but they just keep
> staying here... Worse, they're crossposting to OTHER newsgroups, like
> rec.arts.anime.misc and It's getting to the
> point that these threads are larger than all of UMAA's threads.
> --
> Rob Kelly: preloading for a better tomorrow
> ICQ: 46075720
> "I am the dead, and their land"

Is anyone else in anticipation for goat's next topic?