"Dave Fossett" <reply@via.newsgroup> wrote in message
> <ashishg@mailinator.com> wrote:
> The problem is that one of the unwritten requirements to passing the
> test in Japan seems to be that you have attended a driving school. Even if
> your friend is perfectly capable of driving, he will probably still need
> take some lessons at a driving school to learn all the silly little tricks
> that are necessary to actually pass the test.

Yes. In my case, it took one session (about an hour) at a driving school so
I could memorize the course, learn when to look at my mirrors, etc. This was
after failing the test "cold" one time. I think that session cost around
3,000-4,000 yen.

You can pay around 2,000 yen to practice at the actual courses on Sundays,
but you must be accompanied by a licensed driver. I don't know about the
three-year bit -- I understand that you just have to have your "shoshinsha"
mark off, which would be 1 year from being licensed.

Ryan Ginstrom