necoandjeff wrote:
> B Robson wrote:
>>>doesn't matter how long he has been working. State and federal taxes
>>>are being deducted from every one of his paychecks.
>>He has paid tax on both of them?
> Paid taxes on both of what? I just said that state and federal taxes are
> being deducted from the money he has earned. Is that not paying taxes?

I should point out that Florida has no state income tax, so one's 
employment status is irrelevant to the issue of whether or not one is 
funding a given program of the state of Florida. In the case of food 
stamps, they are through the Dept. of Children and Families, and are 
funded by federal funds and Florida's General Revenue fund. About 3/4 of 
the General Revenue fund comes from Florida's Sales and Use Tax.

Come to Florida and buy a pack of chewing gum or pornography. You just 
funded food stamps.

>>Remind me to tell you about my Christmas one day.
> Couldn't get laid again this year eh Brett?

Maybe they weren't compatible.

- Kevin