John P. Mullen wrote:
> Kevin Gowen wrote:
>> John P. Mullen wrote:
>>> <snip>
>  >>
>>> However, I'm interested in calling for an investigation of Bush's use 
>>> of taxpayer's money to support his reelection bid.
>>> That *is* something 'Mericans can do.
>>> :-)
>> Why would that be investigated? Have you ever filed out a 1040?
> Cause it is against the law.

Really? Have you heard of the Federal Election Campaign Act? Every 
presidential election bid since 1976 has been partially funded by 
taxpayer dollars.

> I've filled out about forty 1040s of my own.

Did you notice the part at the top that asks if you want to contribute 
$3 to the Presidential Campaign Fund and says:
This fund helps pay for Presidential election campaigns. The fund 
reduces candidates' dependence on large contributions from individuals 
and groups and places candidates on an equal financial footing in the 
general election. If you want $3 to go to this fund, check the "Yes" 
box. If you are filing a joint return, your spouse may also have $3 go 
to the fund. If you check "Yes," your tax or refund will not change.

> I remember when the short form was a Hollerith card.
> :-)

Smiley emoticon or not, I guess that was before the Presidential 
Campaign Fund was created.

"This is the best election night in history."--Democratic National 
Committee chairman Terry McAuliffe, Nov. 2, 2004, just before 8 p.m. EST