Robert La Ferla wrote:
> Kevin Gowen wrote:
>>Robert La Ferla wrote:
>>>Kevin Gowen wrote:
>>>>Indeed. The Kerry camp skewed the exit polls. I hate to burst your
>>>>bubble, but this is the 3rd straight election in which the exit polls
>>>>were horribly mistaken. The exit polls had Kerry and Bush tied in
>>>I've heard that it has only been the last two elections and
>>>coincendentally Bush ran in both of those.
>>There was an election in 2002.
> There was a midterm election but I meant presidential elections.
> Furthermore, that midterm election was during the Bush-era.

That doesn't change the fact that the exit polls were wrong in that

"This is the best election night in history."--Democratic National
Committee chairman Terry McAuliffe, Nov. 2, 2004, just before 8 p.m. EST