"FreddieN" <Pacbel2973@dlink.net> wrote in message news:kP5hd.2095$OU3.340@trndny09...
> "masayuki" <FAKE@yahoo.co.jp> wrote in message
> news:2ujhihF2a7v3mU1@uni-berlin.de...
>> "FreddieN" <Pacbel2973@dlink.net> wrote in message
> news:ouXgd.325$a24.69@trndny07...
>> >
>> > "John W." <worthj1970@yahoo.com> wrote in message
>> > news:41843DEA.8090406@yahoo.com...
>> >> FreddieN wrote:
>> >> > Freaking rags do another one:
>> >> >
>> >> You're a model of tolerance.
>> >>
>> >> John W.
>> >>
>> >
>> > No, I am a racist and a bigot.
>> Allow me to ask you if you have some genes of racist and bigot.
>> Or have you once attempted to change your character into what
>> moral standards accept?
>> > I'd really appreciate it if you'd pay more attention to some of my
> comments.
>> No thanks in advance for your thanks to me.
>> Masayuki
> Hello Masayuki
> I don't believe that racism and bigotry has anything to to with genes.
> Nor do I believe that people make any deliberate attempt to become racists
> and bigots.
> With few exceptions, I think that most people become that way through either
> the surrounding
> culture which either encourages or condones such thinking, or through events
> which have
> occured in a persons life that at the least gives rise to sharp bigoted
> thinking and at worst
> trauma from which one can suffer for years.
> I was in Manhattan on Tuesday September 11, 2001.
> Forgive me if I am not a model of tolerance.

I believe that tolerance, not less than love is a test of 
character and moreover that one's surroundings shape
one's consciousness.

I let you know the recipe of the Manhattan people drank on 
the day: 

5cl/1 3/4 oz bourbon whisky
2cl/ 2/3oz dry vermouth and
1 dash bitter tears instead of Angostura bitters


> Hope this helps.
> Freddie