"Ernest Schaal" <eschaal@max.hi-ho.ne.jp> wrote in message
> in article 2torgqF22mfpoU2@uni-berlin.de, Ryan Ginstrom at
> > I wonder what it says of Ernie's opinions of the Japanese when he lives
> > Japan, is married to a Japanese, and works among Japanese, and yet
> > taken the trouble to learn the language.
> You make the assumption that I haven't taken the trouble of learning the
> language. That is not a good assumption. I have taken lessons, and I have
> studied, and I can carry on simple conversations in Japanese, but I know
> that until I have passed the 1st grade of the JLPT I had better not show
> progress or lack of it.

I applaud your efforts. Keep it up.


Can't read a simple, 5-odd sentence blurb even with the aid of a dictionary
= cannot read Japanese.

Inability to recognize "Masayuki" as a first name shows a pretty profound
lack of understanding of the spoken language as well.

No, I would not go showing off my Japanese abilities quite yet if I were

> Why did you make such a stupid assumption?

Why are you asking such a stupid question? Are you stupid?

> What have you been doing since your retirement to improve yourself?

I am learning to become a connoisseur of awamori.

Ryan Ginstrom