necoandjeff wrote:
> Kevin Wayne Williams wrote:
>>John W. wrote:
>>>Kevin Wayne Williams wrote:
>>>>John W. wrote:
>>>>>I actually think the phrase "Gaijin Happy" could catch on. How
>>>>>are you? I'm Gaijin Happy. Did you like your present? I was Gaijin
>>>>>Happy about it. How was your day? It was a really Gaijin Happy day.
>>>>>John W.
>>>>If the Japanese McDonalds offered a Gaijin Happy Meal, how many
>>>>people would actually think of it as cannibalism?
>>>No, you've got it wrong. It's a [Gaijin Happy] Meal, meaning it's one
>>>hell of a meal.
>>Well, we got necoandjeff to do it, now it's your turn. Please google
>>for oe-quotefix, and apply it. That way, your quotes won't
>>disintegrate when they textwrap.
> Dude, it's the best thing you can do for Outlook Express. The threads are
> all color coded making them easier to follow, it bolds text that is
> surrounded by "*"s, and it will automatically line up quoted text as KWW
> points out. Good stuff.

Using an actual newsreader is even better stuff.

- Kevin