"John W." <worthj1970@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> Exactly what did you do to make it? I missed the thread, and anyway it
> probably came about in the midst of a totally unrelated topic.
> Would be much obliged if I could make a little for the wifey.

I basically took two bottles of cheap white wine (screw-on cap a must) -- in
our case Mercian I believe, poured it over roughly equal parts of unripe
*ume* and rock sugar (the wine ended up about three times as high as the
plums/sugar), and stuck the jar into a cabinet for about three months.

Before doing this, I washed the jar in hot soapy water, rinsed well, dried,
then sterilized the inside with an awamori-soaked paper towel (vodka might
work just as well).

I took out the jar about once a month to give the plums and sugar a good
sloshing -- by the end of the three months, the sugar was dissolved.

The ume may be the hardest thing to get in the US. I bet you could do
similar stuff with other fruit though, just cut back on the sugar.

Ryan Ginstrom