Here are some of a few from list:

Braunwald - Harrison's Manual of Medicine 15th ed
Bailey Surgical Textbook
Hoffman - Hematology- Basic Principles and Practice 3rd ed
Merritt - Merritt's Neurology 10th Ed
Kaplan - Kaplan's Clinical Hypertension 8th ed
Grossman's Cardiac Catheterization, Angiography, and Intervention 6th ed
Braunwald - Heart Disease - A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine
Cecil Textbook of Medicine
CURRENT Emergency Diagnosis 5th ed 2004
Color Netter Atlas of Human Anatomy
Washington Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy 30ed
Habif - Clinical Dermatology - A Color Guide to Diagnosis and Therapy 4th ed
Oski's Pediatrics: Principles and Practice, 3rd Ed
Speroff - Clinical Gynecologic Endocrinology and Infertility 6ed
Williams Textbook of Endocrinology10th ed
Sabiston Textbook of Surgery, 16th Edition
Paget - Manual of Rheumatology and Outpatient Orthopedic Disorders Diagnosis
and Therapy 4th ed
Wolfson - The Clinical Practice of Emergency Medicine 3rd ed
Kantoff - Prostate Cancer Principles and Practice 1st ed

Plenty more available, If you're interested , you may drop me an email
telling me which speciality it is that you are looking for , or I can send
you the entire list of available books.

I'm a medical student myself and know how invaluable these are to me. You
will require a PC or a PDA (palm or pocket PC) to view these textbooks. I am
in the United Kingdom and can have it shipped to you anywhere in the UK or
the world.

Any questions, please email me !