Raj Feridun wrote:

> On Mon, 23 Aug 2004 09:00:14 -0400, Kevin Gowen
> <kgowenNOSPAM@myfastmail.com> wrote:
>>>If Clinton raped someone let them come forward and press charges. Then
>>>a jury can decide based on the evidence and testimony. Failing that
>>>you really need to just shut up with the unfounded aspersions.
>>Well, there is an issue called the statute of limitations. If the claim 
>>is false, why didn't Clinton file a defamation suit?
> Well I'm no lawyer but I do know the statute of limitations for such
> crimes varies by state and jurisdiction. What was the date and place
> of this alleged incident, Kevin?

April 25, 1978. Arkansas.

> Also, does not responding litigiously to false claims constitute an
> assumption of guilt? Interesting.

Where did you get that corker?

- Kevin