We have a report from the fj.life.in-japan Dynamics Officer that John W. has
exploded. Flight director confirms that:


>> Then I must have been issued a defective one, because she is constantly telling
>> me to come the hell home already before I drive myself batshit. Far from
>> encouraging me to bust my ass -- she already knows I do :) -- she would vastly
>> prefer it if I came home right at ???? (teiji).
>A: how long have you been married?

As of last May 17, precisely 10 years. I AM TEH KOKUSAI KEKKON VETERAN!!!!1

>B: how many children do you have?


Well, unless you count my niece, who lives with us, and for whom I provide 90%
of the financial support (it's a long story). But the mom-in-law takes care of
her for the most part so it's not as if I'm a surrogate dad or anything. (In
fact, most other fjlijers here should be able to vouch for the fact that I am
often quite vocal in my pride at not having produced any offspring.)

>I think one reason some women marry us ferriners is that we are home
>more and do more work around the house, etc. To be fair, I know
>'merikan women who don't want their husbands at home that much.
>Children either, for that matter; I think that's why they're always
>putting kids in camps, sports, or other programs to keep them out of
>the house where the parent might be forced to turn off the TV or video

The solution here is to buy a Wii and have everybody play bowling or doubles
tennis. :D

The 2-Belo                           [the2beloATmsdDOTbiglobeDOTneDOTjp]
alt.flame  alt.fan.karl-malden.nose  alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk
meow                   a brimful of asha on a 45                    meow

The Brain: Yes, finally! The Happy Sappy Children 
           of Many Lands ride! Where cheering music 
           will spread the message that a mouse should 
           rule the world!
Pinky:     Oh no, Brain. Narf! You're thinking of that 
           other park in Orlando.