#2 - THE SIDE YOU WANT TO KNOW A BOUT.  Could this be the truth that

In a failure to put up part 2 I heard that SUPTIDITY has hit an all
new level from these so called law enforcement officers.  To make it
so that their minds can hopefully comprehend things. If that was READ
CORRECTLY in the first place it is NOT ADMITTING TO LIES.  IT IS
however listing everything that I am being accused of so far by these
so called law enforcement officers.  This is their effort to show hate
to me and also they are trying to find any excuse to justify YEARS of
time spent on stalking and illegally haunting me alone. I know that
you the normal intelligent reader would easily see for yourself and
assume correctly that in part 1 was just what I am being accused of in
as close to the exact wording as I have heard from these so called LAW
ENFORCMENT OFFICERS that still continue to haunt me.

For reference PART 1 was titled in the subject line "Isn't to have
such distinguished so called LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS, displaying such

For the record it is close to almost 3 years that my life has been
made a total hellish nightmare by this situation.  It would be nice if
a professional law enforcement agency would kick these so called law
enforcement officers out of my life and off my property as it been
years and investigation after investigation.  When I 1st came to our
local police about this I was REFUSED help. It would be nice for them
to correct that mistake as by now I know they investigated into this
thing somewhat or at least I hope so.

As a reminder I have been haunted by some type of law enforcement
officers that have told other people for years and I quote "ALL we
want to do is to talk to him.  ALL we want to do is to help him."

These are the same LAW ENFORCMENT OFFICERS since the start of their
These are the same LAW ENFORCMENT OFFICERS that since the start of
their involvement have INTENTIONALLY FAILED to SPEAK DIRECTLY to ME.

I am still being THREATNED with ARREST.  I am still being unfairly and
very unjustly targeted by these same so called LAW ENFORCEMENT
OFFICERS who still are very ILLEGALLY on our property and refuse to
leave us alone! These people are still continuing to INTENTIONALLY be
VIOLATING our properly posted and displayed signs of NO TRESSPASSING
and PRIVATE ROPERTY KEEP OUT. These are the same so called LAW

The POLICE have knowledge of this type of ILLEGAL ACTIVITY and that is
still CONTINUEING and hasn't stopped it yet is beyond my
comprehension.  I am sick and tired of being the neighborhood bad
example of what not to be when I have not done anything to deserve
this unwarranted MOST ABUSIVE and MOST HOSTILE treatment from so
called "Law Enforcement officers."

These are the same so called LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS that are still
trying to ARREST me for being DISABLED. Plus another example of great
hostility on this level is that these so called officers are still
trying to ARREST me for using my cane to help me move about and
around. From what I understand that according to their level of
hateful thinking, that if I can stand up or sit down and in and out of
a car then according to their thinking it is fraud and fake regardless
how and With what that these tasks are accomplished. Treatment as
ABUSIVE as What I am on the receiving end of being that a new obvious
level of Super hate is born.  It is most apparently simple that even a
new born baby can understand what bad thinking and total negativity is
being done to me. 

It is CLEARLY understood to their as what seems to be a very highly
untrained and on a non medical and physical view but seemingly if thru
their eyes it can only mean 1 thing. If these SO CALLED LAW
PROTECTORATE PROFESSIONALS can not see a DISABILITY or have a total or
partially complete knowledge of a DISABILITY of their current target
then they think it is a fake and must be stopped.  In this view point
all that I can say is that I am glad I live in the REAL world and not
the world of this worse example of what and how some of the LAW
ENFORCEMENT obviously has sunk to a new low level of.

As mentioned in other updates of this situation as it enfolds, you can
see the total DESPERATE MEASURES that these so called LAW ENFORCMENT
OFFICERS will take to try to justify their totally ABUSIVE WASTE of
TIME that they have spent on me alone as they operate in TEAMS and I
am just 1 disabled person in poor medical health?
I am just 1 person who needs to be left in peace and allowed to spend
what time left on earth in happiness and peace and most of all not
bothered by liars and or other forms of negative and hostile people.
These types of people are very unwanted in my life. This has proved
many things however and mostly an even more INTENTIONALLY ABUSIVE

 It has become VERY EXTREEMLY APPARENT since they can't get anything
else to take me on after 3 years of waste of the public time and money
that they are still around. They seem to STILL refuse to go away empty
handed so now they are still trying to ARREST me for having a MEDICAL
HEALTH CONDITION. Additionally these so called LAW ENFORCEMENT
OFFICERS whom are still trying to ARREST me for using pain and other
DOCTOR PRESCRIBED MEDICATIONS. It is quote obvious to the least
informed and or educated person, and to keep legal let me put it like
this. In my eyes and in my opinion and according to their type of
thinking, if they don't know what are my medical health problems then
it is fraud and fake and they want ARREST me for it.  
And I thought that public law enforcement officers were required to
know a small amount of basic medical and something about those public
citizens who are not in good health and or able to defend themselves.

These are the same so called LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS that are still
trying to ARREST ME FOR taking proper LEGAL measures of locking up and
trying to prevent people from breaking into our home at night when we
are all in our own individual bed alone. I completely fail to
understand why I would let these creatures who have no respect for
privacy and or private property in our house especially after all the
threats made to my physical health, medical health and psychological
health and well being. In their way of telling us that they disapprove
of being locked out of OUR HOSE these are the same so called LAW
ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS that are still doing their best to SLEEP DEPRIVE
me. In case any of these otherwise known as PUBLIC SERVANTS forgot,
they DO NOT OWN OUR HOUSE or have the right to tell us what to do when
we are on our own property.

These are the same so called LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS that are still
trying to ARREST me for looking out my own windows inside our own
home. Additionally these same so called officers of the law know exact
fully that these neighbors from hell across tromp me are using some
devices to watch me in my room as I have the blacked out and tinted
out windows so you can not normally see inside from the outside in the
daytime UNLESS special techniques and measures are taken before any
viewing attempts made. However in this mode and according to the
oldest kid across the street who thinks he is so hot that every male
wants him in his twisted perverted thinking in this mode that
accordingly I am supposed to be looking at him and family constantly
with emphasis on him.  I heard of EGO problems but I am not a
qualified shrink. Even when I try to understand this type of thinking
I can only think of 1 simple question and that is does the words barf
and gag mean anything? And that is putting it as nicely and as cleanly
as I can. However coming out of the mouths of these so called law
enforcement officers I can only assume that it is just more of the
sick and twisted perverted thinking on their part again.
My room is equipped with and has daytime BLACKED and TINTED OUT
WINDOWS so you can NOT see inside into my room from the outside in
daytime normally.  Even his house has tinted windows on it.  However I
use honest and real logic and thinking I am sorry I do not use these
so called law enforcement officers type of thinking and logic. Another
twisted example of their thinking is that these are the same so called
LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS that want to ARREST me for supposedly having
Unknown to me of the type thoughts they think I am having when I am
inside my own home and or in my own bed room and or in my own bed or
in my own bed asleep. So in that mode being of these are the same so
called LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS that want to ARREST me for supposedly
having supposed thoughts that they think that they can hear and see me
thinking.  Please tell me if I am wrong but I just have to ask that if
I am supposed to be a fellow pervert like some people?

Accordingly these so called LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS also are still
trying to ARREST me for sleeping with my hands and arms under my own
blanket IN my OWN BED ALONE. I have got to ask this question.  WHY Am
I being SPIED on, in and UNDER the BLANKET IN MY OWN BED? Why are they
using devices to watch me sleep and watch my legs or a perverted view

I like to sleep in daytime as I have been accustomed to for at least
20 plus years. But in law enforcement thinking in this situation
however it is obvious that these are the same so called LAW
ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS that are still trying to ARREST me for USING MY
COMPUTER instead of sleeping. Additionally the same so called LAW
ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS that are still trying to ARREST me for being
LEGALLY ON the INTERNET. To make it clear to the public at large that
these are the same so called LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS who are still
trying to ARREST me for informing people on the INTERNET about their
activities and how they are INTETNIONALLY and ILLEGALLY, deliberately
from SENDING any and all ****LEGAL**** POSTINGS to news groups. Also
in doing all of this to me they are also seemingly finding ways of
SLOWING down my MODEM connection SPEED. But MOST IMPORTANTLY of all
the things that are taking place on my internet usage, these so called
LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS really most of all are still trying to ARREST
me for informing the public and for TELLING the world exactly WHAT is
HAPPENING to me, including WHAT PLANS are being made AGAINST ME. 

In other desperate measures and efforts being used on their part and
their efforts against me in finding a way to show me how much they
hate me and will do any and everything it takes and or cost to get rid
of me in their efforts of helping the neighbors in their ILLEGAL and
HATEFUL CONSPIRACY against me how they will stop at nothing to do to
me. These are the same so called LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS that are
still trying to ARREST me for TALKING inside our own family home about
them and what they want to do to me.

These are the same so called LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS that are still
trying to ARREST me for LANGAUGE USED when I am outside our house on
our FRONT POURCH and or in our back yard area in speaking in a normal
low voice.  Either way it is ON OUR PRIVATE PROPERTY. These so called
LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS had to strain their EARS to hear me from
their ILLEGAL HIDING PLACES ON OUR PROPERTY. These are the same so
called LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS that are still trying to ARREST me for
LANGAUGE USED INSIDE OUR OWN HOME that they can hear from where they
are hiding and also by electronically listening to the bugging devices
they have illegally planted in our home to insure us of NO PRIVACY.  I
would like to remind people that if a word is in any dictionary in our
free society it is LEGAL to be used and spoken aloud. However I would
suggest proper etiquette and skillful wording is used as cautiously as

Please remember that these are the same so called LAW ENFORCEMENT

These are the same so called LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS that are still
are trying to ARREST me for using a water hose and spraying OUR ROOF
OF OUR HOME as we heard rodents and or pest creating a racket and
making loud noises on it.
These are the same so called LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS that are still
trying to ARREST me for NOT allowing them to BREAK INTO OUR HOME so
that they can and as they claim talk to me. They PROVED that they do
not want to talk but to get me to drop my guard so that they can rush
and over take me.  It is my belief that they want to add me to the
names of other INOCENT individuals that they have wrongfully removed
from OUR FREE AMERICAN SOCIETY to make themselves look good. Also
these are the same so called LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS that are still
trying to ARREST me for any little thing that they can fabricate and
or dream up.

As one of these so called LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS said outside my
window around 5 in the morning "I am going to arrest him, I am going
to take him, and I am not letting this guy go regardless of what
anyone says." This proves to the average intelligent person that these
are the same so called LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS that are still trying
to ARREST me for my knowledge of having ELECTRONIC BUGGING DEVICES

These are the same so called LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS that are still
trying to ARREST me for not allowing them to keep their promises of
harm and possible death if they touch me. Also the same so called LAW
ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS that are still trying to ARREST me for having
heart attacks, strokes, attacks of a known health condition that they
INTENTIONALLY caused by all the stress inflicted by them.

These are the same so called LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS that are still
every where I go regardless alone, with family or with friends.
Additional these are the same people who are trying to trying to
ARREST me for their REFUSAL to treat me professionally and properly
and with courtesy and expect me not to say a word?

These are the same so called LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS that are still
trying to ARREST me for telling as many as possible of the HATE CRIMES
and TERRORIST ACTS being committed against me. Also the same so called
LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS that are still trying to ARREST me for
telling and informing as many as I can about the ILLEGAL CONSPIRACY
they started against me and how kept it up for years.

These are the same so called LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS that are still
trying to ARREST me for telling people the TRUTH of how they look the
other way, see nothing an hear nothing when these so called good
neighbors are committing hate crimes against me. Additionally the same
so called LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS that are still trying to ARREST me
for informing the people of the world of the ILLEGAL CRIMES and
CONSPRIACY that neighbor and the other neighbors they got involved in
this situation are doing.

These are the same so called LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS that are still
trying to ARREST me for having lost the ONLY family car we had at the
time in an accident near the home that they caused by all the stress
inflicted on to me.

For the record…I have never at any time seen them come DIRECTLY to me
when they see me inside my own home and awake during proper hours. I
have never at any time seen them come DRICTLY to me when they see me
walking my dog around the block or I am just outside my home just
sitting on the porch. Have never at any time seen them come DIRECTLY
to me during proper hours and knocking on the door or ringing our
doorbell and asking to speak directly to me.

After all of this I see no reason why I should ever have 1 molecule of
Thought to let them get close to me or to talk to me especially when
Helping the neighborhood conspiracy and telling neighbors how they
Will take me, remove me etc for them.  ALSO they have gone to the
Neighbors and accused me of all kinds of lies including sexual etc. 

MOST IMPORTANTTLY these are the same so called LAW ENFORCEMENT
OFFICERS who have made threats against my life, health, freedom and
etc.  Also the same so called LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS who have made
threats of my life and physical well being if they ever got me alone
or into a place where things would happen to me.

Of course I did REPORT this to the CONCORD POLICE DEPARTMENT but like
Everything else so far over the YEARS I have yet to be left alone
personally and also our family as well as our property has yet to be
left alone.  And please dear readers for the record please note that
while the POLICE have knowledge of these people who are VIOLATING
PRIVATE PROPERTY nothing has been done yet about it.  Anyone have any
thoughts on this? 

After all of this I see no reason why I should ever have 1 molecule of
thought to let them get close to me or to talk to me especially when
they have promised that no matter what they will ARREST me in an
effort to have me made silent.  I have committed NO CRIMES and I am
NOT A CRIMINAL and I have NO CRIMINAL RECORD. After all of this I see
no reason why I should ever have 1 molecule of  thought to let them
get close to me or to talk to me especially when they are constantly
trying to break into our home.

After all of this I see no reason why I should ever have 1 molecule of
thought to let them get close to me or to talk to me especially when
they have tamped with and up to and including destruction of some of
my personal belongings.

There is more as this is now on going for 3 years.


Any ideas please email docp@california.com

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