On Mon, 22 Dec 2003 02:17:58 +0900, Reg Blank <spambin4me@yahoo.co.jp>
belched the alphabet and kept on going with:

>Michael Cash wrote:
>> What are the rules on gaigins making contributions to political
>> parties in Japan?
>Rule#1: You give, they take.

Oh, so it's just all the other political activities we are banned from
participating in. Figures.


Michael Cash

"Clinically speaking, Mr. Cash, in males the onset of middle age is defined 
as that point at which the number of hours one can go between orgasms with 
neither physical discomfort nor mental distress first exceeds the number of 
hours one can do the same between bowel movements."

                                Dr. Floyd Lawson
                                Student Health Center
                                Mount Pilot College