On Oct 13, 10:19 pm, mtfes...@netMAPSONscape.net wrote:
> The 2-Belo <the2b...@msd.bigremovethislobe.ne.jp> wrote:
> > We have a report from the fj.life.in-japan Dynamics Officer that CL has
> > exploded. Flight director confirms that:
> > >What I _DO_ find interesting is that reports of the case have been
> > >picked up by "Foreign Policy" and "Foreign Affairs" which both say the
> > >Savoie Case is going to become a Very Major Issue in the not-too-distant
> > >future.  The Obama Administration is willing to negotiate a lot of
> > >stuff, but, apparently they're unwilling to allow Japanese courts to
> > >poke US courts in the eye any more.  They're being joined in demanding
> > >that Japan dump it's refusal to recognize the sovereignty of foreign
> > >courts with immediate effect by Canada, Mexico, UK, France, Germany, and
> > >the EU (plus about half a dozen unnamed "others") ... if rumors are to
> > >be believed.
> > You may be right: More and more stuff is coming out of the woodwork. Here's one
> > that was just put up on CNN now:
> >http://edition.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/asiapcf/10/13/japan.us.custody.batt...
> > Apparently this is going to go ASPLODEY before it calms down. I wonder if any of
> > us are going to get newsreportered to get Our Opinions.
> Well here's the problem;
> "Morrey, a native of Chicago and a U.S. citizen, was married to a Japanese
> woman of Brazilian descent."
>          ^^^^^^^^^
> Talk about trouble; even Brazilian women tell you not to marry Brazilian
> women.

I know this guy. He owns (owned?) the local gaijin bar in Okazaki, and
prior to that was a scientist at the research institutes up the road
from here. I wouldn't describe his ex-wife (who seemed very nice by
the way) as being a "Japanese woman of Brazilian descent", but a
"Brazilian of Japanese descent who subsequently naturalised" (if that
is indeed what she has done).