"goat" <goat@goat.goat> wrote in message news:<1052154287.57475.0@ersa.uk.clara.net>...
> "Frank White" <fwhite*NOSPAM*@colfax.com> wrote in message
> news:b95pm2$1gpc$1@news.fsr.net...
> > All of them?  And this BESIDES Ritsuko?  What, the guy is
> > mainlining pure Viagra???
> It would be great being Gendo.
> I wouldnt need viagra, not where I had like 10 of the hottest, sexiest chick
> in anime naked in front of me, as well as a slutty, lipstick wearing
> bisexual blonde with big boobs, sultry green eyes and a great ass.
> I could take 2 Reis, one sucking my cock or having sex with me, and one sat
> on my face and Ritsuko could take 2 Reis and get it on with them, getting
> all sticky with girlcum. I know that Dr Akagi doesn't like Rei but this
> would be a perfect opportunity to make up with her.
> Going swimming in the clone tank would be fun too and having all those sex
> starved Reis flocking round me and begging for me to touch them.
> I would have Asuka, Misato and Maya under my command to.


So, how would you feel about being Tuxedo Mask...?^^