Konichi wa,

I am trying to see if I can organize a Transsexual, Gay and Lesbian
Health Conference in Japan for the near future. I was thinking if not
this April, then maybe April of 2012. We have this here in
Philadelphia where I live once a year and it has been here for 30
years now. I just think that Japanese Transsexuals would really
benefit from this if I can get this arranged. I will try to get
speakers to present presentations on breast growth methods, sex
reassignment surgery, hormone
use and doses, getting along in society and with your own family and
friends, health care plans and options, etc. There are many many
topics that are covered at the Transgender Health Conference in
philadelphia over the 3 day period. So we would need some place in
Japan with
many individual rooms so that many presentations could take place at
the same time.

So anyone in Japan that would like to help me are welcome! Write me
and we will talk and see if we can figure this out.

