Yes, say John Kerry protested against the vietnam war.  He did.  Many of us
protested against it.  But, he signed up for the war to help America and
Americans.  He love(d)s America and wants to protect us all from harm.

He fought, as was his duty.  After he was decorated as a hero, he, as millions
of others did, came out against that war.  I thank God he is not a vagrant, out
on the streets, without medical help, as many of those vietnam veterans are

Even though it was 30 years ago, gwb showed himself as a coward.  Two days
after the guard was called to active duty in vietman, gwb went to harvard for
more education.  He showed cowardice.  Maybe he didn't think he would live
though it.  Most of us can understand fear - but is that what we want in a
president?  Cowards can always send men into war; heros seldom do.

We need a president who, one year or thirty years ago shows bravery, love of
country, and courage.  bwb does not.  This president has shown disdain for the
laws of this country, and has crossed out even constitutional rights of every

If bush continues to override America's laws, some of which have been set out
for hundreds of years - well, I think YOU can fill in the blanks here.  Total
civilizations have been destroyed by a totalitarian leader.

We all need to look to the future, and how it will affect our lives, as well as
the generations to follow.