

Sorry for our late reply.

You wrote:
: Hello, I am considering adding the fj.net.ldap newsgroup to my news
: server, but I see that the control messages for this group (dated Sept
: 1998) do not match the expected address (committee@fj-news.org) that I
: now have configured on my news server for fj.* newsgroups.

: Can you confirm for me whether or not fj.net.ldap was properly created
: within the fj.* hierarchy, and is thus a "valid" newsgroup?  My news
: server is seeing traffic for the group, though it currently isn't
: accepting any articles.

Yes, fj.net.ldap is a valid newsgroup and listed in our active
list; we ask you to feed that group along with other groups.
The fact was that we started using "fj-news.org" domain lately,
so the control message used our old addres, I guess.  If you are
not sure about the status of each group, please refer to our
checkgroups messages, which can be obtained from:



Yasushi Kuno, Chair of fj NewsGroups Managerial Committee