>Did you finally think up something to say? It took you 13 minutes, that a
>faster response rate than normal. Have no life, stop making assumptions
>Zeruel, you wouldn't know a thing about me, and you wouldn't be able to tell
>a thing about me from what I say here in this NG, I'm not pointlessly
>flaming, I'm telling YOU that YOU suck at RPG, maybe if you started using
>standard rules and techniques of playing these games I might leave you
>alone. Actually I've had a very nice day thank you. Oh and I'm not flaming
>anything Disaster says, just your incompetence when it comes to role

It's obvious you have no life when you actually count the minutes it takes for
someone to respond to your posts. I have just started roleplaying and I dont
need your useless opinion on how I should start, you fucking loser. Anyone
would suck if they were just beginning like me. If you want to flame go back to
the dragonball newsgroup where people actually like flaming; not here. Notice
how like NO ONE is joining you in flaming? That's because people dont do that
kind of shit in this newsgroup. I have been in here long before you have and I
know how people act around here. Why dont you go back to alt.fan.dragonball,
where you can be appreciated for your mindless flaming, no one likes it here;
in fact, people are quite annoyed by it, which is why no one's responding.

To prevent this from turning into a flamfest I am hereby marking ALL of
Kakarotto's posts as read (I definately wont miss reading anything intelligent
by doing that anyway) I suggest everyone else put this bastard on their
killfiles if you havent already (nothing he posts is worth reading; NOTHING)