br <> wrote:

> Michael Cash wrote:
> > On Sat, 20 Jan 2007 03:58:04 +0000 (UTC), Goran <goran> brought down
> > from the Mount tablets inscribed:
> > 
> >> br <> wrote in news:eopr0e$mf9$
> >>
> >>> Goran wrote:
> >>>> Hello, I normally lurk here but I need some advice so I'm posting!
> >>>>
> >>>> We are going to Japan again next week and this will be my first time
> >>>> to visit Tokyo.
> >>>>
> >>>> My (Japanese) wife wants to take me and our 3 year old to Disneyland.
> >>>> I'm not a great fan but I want to make it nice for her.
> >>>>
> >>>> We have organised entry tickets, hotel, shuttle bus etc already.
> >>>>
> >>>> What is the best way to enjoy Disneyland with a small child? What are
> >>>> some must see or must do things at Disneyland? BTW, we aren't too
> >>>> keen on wild rides - probably something like the log ride at
> >>>> Dreamworld would be the limit!!
> >>>>
> >>>> Thanks! 
> >>>>
> >>>> Goran Zbjic
> >>> Your child may well be the only child there.
> >> Really? I thought there would be quite a few children there?
> > 
> > There will be a zillion children there.
> > 
> Most of the "children" will be over 20.

Or of high-school age---it seems to be a fairly popular destination for
school trips. Dunno why... maybe it's considered safe and educational? 

"Educational"? Yup--one time we went there we were pestered constantly
by a very large number of high-school kids who seemed to have been taken
to Disneyland because there were bound to be lots of gaigin there who
would be absolutely delighted to keep repeating the answers to the same
questions read in katakana-ese off hand-written sheets (presumably
copied off the blackboard). "Haroo" "Can I talk wiz you?" "Where you
from?" "How long Japan?" "Do you like Japan?" "Can you eat natto?" "Can
you sleep on floor?" etc....
> Yes, of course there will be lots of children but Disney is continually
> rated as the number 1 romantic date by young women. You might be 
> surprised by the number of adults.

                   Louise Bremner (log at gol dot com)
   If you want a reply by e-mail, don't write to my Yahoo address!