John W. <> wrote:

> There's a letter in today's Japan Times online that talks about age
> discrimination and the number of ads that specify applicants under a
> certain age.
> To those of you knowledgable about such things

Hi John,

how could anybody here in this newsgroup be "knowledgable about such
things", where "such things" refers to the unfathomable crevices of
social reality in Japan? ;-)

> is it legal to discriminate on age in Japan [...]?

Consider for a moment two possible realities: one in which it was
"legal" and one in which it was "illegal". Then look at the one reality
you know. Then think again about whether your question could possibly
matter. :-) I am reminded of that weighty question of another era, "how
many angels can dance on the tip of a needle?" - well, that did get
answered, didn't it? Or did it just fade away? Memory fails me here...

Ask us experts (isn't that a much better spelling than "expats"?)
anything you want, as long as it does not concurrently contain the two
words "Japan" and "law", and we will don our superman suits and come to
your rescue (how about something simple, like, "does anybody know how to
clear a minefield?"). But, sadly, it appears that nobody has a suitable
suit to wear in your case. So let me recommend Declan's approach: if in
doubt, have a pint!

Al (who, if he were to let questions ruin his appetite, wouldn't have
made it beyond age 4)
