Floyd L. Davidson <floyd@barrow.com> wrote:
> >by pointing to information about their varied acticities around the
> >world.
> This might be a language problem.  You are taking that
> question a if it were meant literally.  It doesn't mean
> specifically what the words say though...  it means, something
> along the lines of:  "Yeah, sure, they *claim* to do things
> other than collect money, and some fools are suckered into
> believing them.  But what do they *actually* *devote* *real*
> *resources* to, other than collecting money?"
> The answer is virtually nothing.  A reasonable figure for
> adminstrative overhead would be well below 40%, but those
> organizations run well over 80%.

Your (undocumented) estimate of percentages is less interesting
than  the fact that greenepeace does a lot of good work around the
information about this is still found on their various websites.
For those that care to look.