biku <> wrote:

> "John W." <worthj1970@yahoo.komm> wrote in message
> news:3FE9DE90.8010107@yahoo.komm...
> > biku wrote:
> > > I haven't looked in for a few months hope everyone's well for the
> holidays.
> > > When did all this ad spamming start?
> > > Biku
> >
> > What ad spamming? To the NG? I get a ton of spam to my email, but that's
> > thanks to years and years of using the same address, mostly without a
> > thought to the consequences of filling out online forms.
> >
> -Well one microsoft update patch (which also seems to get to my mail almost
> daily)
> -ex girl friend masturbating
> -nude web cams
> -ex girl with dildo
> -make thousands now
> -Quick cash
> -make money
> -Britney Spears hot sexy nude
> -Christina Aguilara hot sexy nude
> -Christina Aguilara naked
> -Where to meet Japanese girls.. wait that might be a real post..
> I don't remember any spam before at all. But then again it has been awhile

Gosh... To think I'm missing (nearly) all of that, by using the German

Mind you, I have noticed several "orphaned" posts recently, made by
people who felt a need to answer such spam. 

                   Louise Bremner (log at gol dot com)
   If you want a reply by e-mail, don't write to my Yahoo address!