Otter wrote:
> "Jens Arne Maennig" <> wrote in message 
> news:d2lnsroxusqd$

>> I'm absolutely willing to believe you that Australia has a healthier
>> economy than, for example, Germany.  With 25 % of the inhabitants on
>> 21 times the area, there are, well, certain chances and opportunities.
> You might be surprised to know that Australia has always been a dry
> continent, and it is currently in the grip of severe drought.  The
> area of land that can be utilised economically is far less than
> your simple calculation suggests.

Okay, let's look at it from an other point of view: The economic
sector with the highest need of land might be farming.  Australia is
currently able to export about 80 % of its agricultural production.  A
sign of not enough land?


PS: I am pretty aware that Australia generates only 3 % of its GDP in
agriculture.  But another 5 % in exploiting natural resources, tourism