(SuperOutland) wrote in message news:<>...
> Macarthur called japs 12 year olds but he isnt only one.   I am
> copy-pasting this from a "japan faq" which is a highly scientific
> analysis:
> "It's no exaggeration to say that Japanese (particularly women) think
> on a more childlike level. "
> Is this a scientific conclusion?   I guess maybe macarthur was right
>  "even in the 1990s you don't exactly see a large number of western
> women carrying around Mickey Mouse pencil cases and Hello Kitty
> notebooks well into their 30s. Women are taught to act and look cute,
> not sophisticated. Japanese pop music sounds like it was written by
> elementary school students, and pop-stars ("idoru", from idol) are
> here today, gone tomorrow. At any rate, amae is a fundamental
> characteristic of Japan--one (the 'kobun') presumes on a superior (the
> 'oyabun') in a group, and a vertical, symbiotic relationship is
> created. "
> so is it true that japs are children and its not just macarthur's
> rambling?

 I think we are all children no matter who you are. My gurn said American are
like a large adolescent!

why don't you behavior like a child? That's not bad rather than acting
a psychopath neurosis large adolescent.