( wrote in message news:<>...
> (Makoto Taniguchi) wrote in message news:<>...
> > First off, I said SOME you keep IGNORING that I said SOME. Second I
> > don't have time to go through every god damn post made for a few
> > measly comments. Third you took this god damn comment out a DIFFERENT
> > post, you're just doing this because you just want someone to accuse.
> > You had absolutely nothing to the ORIGINAL post, so basically what I
> > am saying is screw off because I don't have time to get a few god damn
> > measly posts.
> Very good.  Since you don't have time to go thru posts where some
> Koreans blame modern Japanese for things Japan have done during
> WWII, nor you have time to search for posts about whatever Japan
> have done during WWII, stop making allegations you can not back up
> about some Koreans.

Sorry if I have a fucking life. REAL sorry. I said SOME Koreans, sorry
if the concept of HAVING A LIFE does not make sense to you.