On Tue, 22 Feb 2005 11:02:14 +0900, Ryan Ginstrom wrote:

> "Edward Mills" <spam@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:2n6wy18vkhio$.123hr5uvk9kdt$.dlg@40tude.net...
>> On Mon, 21 Feb 2005 18:30:24 +0900, Ryan Ginstrom wrote:
>>> "Edward Mills" <spam@hotmail.com> wrote in message
>>> news:1kl2ekrczfdcg$.yq9gqky0eoft.dlg@40tude.net...
>>>> http://bilge.notlong.com
>>>> It's official. Japanese women don't like sex.
>>> It seems like the women in the article like sex fine -- just not with
> their
>>> husbands.
>> True. I just wanted to see what you guys think of gizoogle. Interestingly
>> enough, nobody commented on the translation.
> I just immediately went to the original page.

The original page is just another wai-wai translation of crap throw out in
various rags from around Japan. The gizoogleized version adds some
shnizzle-dizzle lak a mofo, dawg! 4 real, ma  homey!

"WaiWai stories is transcriptions of articles thizzat 
originally appeared in Japanese language publicizzles fo' sheezy. The
Mainichi Daily News cannot be held responsible fo` tha contents of tha
original articles, nor does it guarantee they accuracy. Views expressed in
tha WaiWai column is not necessarily those held by tha Mainichi Daily News
or Mainichi Bitch Co."