Jim Breen wrote:
> mtfester@netMAPSONscape.net wrote:
>> Actually, I've always thought that military service  should have been a
>> requirement to be elected to Congress or the Presidency/ After all, if
>> one makes decisions about people going to war, one should have some
>> experience with the organization leading the war.
> Of course. And it would make it clear that nothing is as important to
> Congress or the presidency as war. Experience in work, parenthood,
> illness, administration, business, etc. etc. are meaningless and
> irrelevent - it's the war experience alone that would count.
> Also, you'd need to have regular wars. Otherwise where would the
> warmakers (oops, lawmakers) get the necessary experience?
I was about to say the French Foreign Legion, but then I realised we
would like them to have some experience with winning.