Louise Bremner wrote:
> Kevin Wayne Williams <kww.nihongo@verizon.nut> wrote:
>>Louise Bremner wrote:
>>>japan <x> wrote:
>>>Oh, I might have guessed. Do you allow any discussion on those boards of
>>>yours now, or are the posts there still just from the same three
>>Supernews treats their posts as spam, now, and doesn't propagate them.
> Interesting.... Presumably it's an automatic filter, so I wonder what
> it's picking up on? It can't be the email address since it's a different
> one each time.... Maybe it's the total lack of content in the body of
> the message? (All the text is posted after a .sig delimiter, for some
> reason.) It can't be the repeated URL, because that would also catch all
> those people who put their URL in the .sig too. 

My understanding is that it is done primarily based on the newsserver 
that injects the spam into the network. If the owner of the newsserver 
doesn't respond to spam complaints, Supernews just stops accepting news 
that originates on that server (probably by inspecting the message ID). 
I know that Verizon worked that way, even though I thought Verizon 
complaining about spammers smacked a bit of hypocrisy.