On Nov 12, 7:48 am, n$a <santini.nico...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Why don't they take prints and pics when a resident applies for a re-
> entry permit instead ? That would make the process faster at the
> airport. Moreover what's the point of taking those several times (once
> per trip) when the gaijin card already carries an up-to-date (5y old
> at most) pic and the prints are supposed to not change over time.
> Waste of time and money, no ?

I think the official line (that I read somewhere) is to prevent
illegal aliens from entering the country. So I guess they'll scan in
every foreigner's fingerprints and instantly run them through a
database of known criminals. Sounds efficient. Meanwhile in the next
line the Yakuza guy can stroll right on by.

John W.