On Oct 20, 6:49 pm, Elbow <TokyoEl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> [...]  I was
> wondering how when I bid on something the bid pops up as soon as Ive
> bid, are these people using something Im not aware of?

1. If the pop up is instantaneous: you are bidding against a higher,
proxy ("automatic") bid

2. If not: when someone outbids you, Yahoo automaticaly sends you a
notice by e-mail. So, those you have outbid, are warned about it and
might come back to bid again within a short time

3. If you are bidding in the last few minutes, when bidding activity
is most active, then don't be suprised the bid pops up shortly after
your bid, it is just somebody else entering a bid, following the same
idea as yours

All these reasons are valid also on eBay so i'd suggest you read
eBay's help in English to understand how it works.
