On Oct 16, 9:14 pm, "M. Ranjit Mathews"
<ranjit_math...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Condemn the present Turkey for a past government's
> doing?
> Would anyone consider condemning the present
> Vatican Cty for the Albigensian genocide?

I condemn all genocides, not present-day persons
who did not participate in them. In my post, I am
talking about genocide, and my criticism of the
present-day Turks is over their unwillingness to
recognize the crime of genocide, NOT their
participation in it! (Just as I criticize Mr. Cohen
for the same thing: NOT for having a kind heart and
being a sweetheart, which I'm sure he has/is, but for
not calling a spade a spade.) This is ALL about our
willingness to call a genocide a genocide--it may
appear to be a matter of some slight importance to
many, but ask the few Holocaust survivors whether
they might accept changing the definition of The
Holocaust to merely "an unfortunate mass-murder"
instead of The Holocaust. Then we'll talk.

S D Rodrian

All religions are local.
Only science is universal.


Richard Cohen's contention that condemning
genocide "will serve no earthly purpose" is
one of the most incomprehensibly inhuman
and shameful statements I have ever heard
an American "journalist" make!

Will not Mr. Cohen propose next that The United
States should also begin to deny the Holocaust
in order to promote better cooperation from Iran?
Ah, no, wait: This would hurt our ties with Israel
... therefore no. Mr. Cohen might not propose that
--After all, America's moral stand ought to have
nothing to do with right or wrong, only with crass

But surely Mr. Cohen WOULD propose the denial
of the Holocaust if an important ally like Germany
were still engaged in protecting its NAZI heritage!

Turkey has never been and is certainly NOT now
a stable nation in the ocean of instability that is
the Islamic lands. And anybody who banks on this
self-evident myth is going to go bust: 15 to 20
million "Turks" are in reality only "Turk-occupied"
Kurds who will not rest until they have taken their
part of Turkey into Kurdistan no matter how powerful
or long their subjugation by the ethnic Turks is. And
it's time that the world begins acknowledging this...
and, in fact, working for its inevitability: The Kurds
have been kept in abject ignorance, but that cannot
and will not last. Like the Balkans, Turkey must and
will eventually break apart into its constituent
ethnic pieces, whether peacefully or violently. And if
you don't believe that then you believe that tyranny
and subjugation of one people by another lasts
forever--It never does.

Turkey will NEVER be a stable nation until it is
a nation of Turks alone, and does not hold the
territories of another people as if it were its own
--let alone 15 to 20 million foreigners (almost one
out of every "Turk").

For the United States to refrain from "offending"
a country such as Turkey merely for the sake of
money is a disgrace this generation of Americans
will have to answer to history for as well as to all
future generations of Americans.

The reason Turkey is engaged in this reprehensible
and unforgivable denial of the Armenian Holocaust
is NOT because it was perpetrated by some ancient
and bygone Turkish government (albeit it was) but
because its most ardent and enthusiastic perpetrators
and instigators were her Muslim Imams--who roused
their "congregations" to butcher as many human
beings as they could get their hands on simply
because they were NOT Muslims ... encouraging
their "men" to murder, to rape, and to steal the
properties of their pitiful victims exactly as the
Koran advocates [you can read more on this at:
--Overwhelming proof of this is contained in the
numberless confessions of contrition and remorse
by Turks who actually took part in the genocide!
So an admission that this was indeed the case
would be, in no uncertain terms, a condemnation
and indictment of the blood-thirsty nature of Islam
itself. [SEE: http://islamisbad.com ] This, the
Islamists of Turkey, understandably, will never do.

It is impossible to deny the Armenian Genocide.
The only thing the genocide deniers can do is to
bring shame & dishonor on themselves, Mr. Cohen.

As for America's relations with Turkey: NOTE how
quickly and over what disgraceful reasons Turkey
itself would consider such relations to have been
brought to a dead end. And then try to imagine over
what future nonsense might the Turks again threaten
to bring them to an end. Are these relations in as
good a footing, as stable and enduring as some
"interests" would like to have us believe they are?

There comes a time when men of good conscience
must act on their good will and do the right thing
regardless of the cost. And if the cost is imperiling
relations with a Turkey that time & time again thinks
nothing of imperiling relations with us over their
most wicked principles, then I say indeed: "When
the rope is rotten, it is sometimes better to cut it."

S D Rodrian

All religions are local.
Only science is universal.


"Turkey's War on the Truth" By Richard Cohen
Tuesday, October 16, 2007; Page A19 Washington Post


"It goes without saying that the House resolution
condemning Turkey for the "genocide" of Armenians
from 1915 to 1923 will serve no earthly purpose and--"

I could not read more without getting physically ill.


On Oct 18, 3:09 pm, "davesvi...@aol.com"
<davesvi...@aol.com> wrote:
> apparently we actually didn't read the same piece.
> If you had bothered to read the entire well written
> editorial, the point of which is, the truth should be
> told, it ends with the statement: "Call it genocide
> or call it something else, but there is only one
> thing to call Turkey's insistence that it and its power
> will determine the truth: unacceptable." Dave

I stand by my criticism of the part I criticized.
If you disagree with what I wrote about what I wrote
about: Fine. I, for one, did not have anything to say
about whatever it was I didn't have anything to say
about, obviously. This is self-evident enough
to not even have to be written about. Therefore
it shall not remain unwritten about, as you can see.

S D Rodrian

All religions are local.
Only science is universal.

