2007/10/17 new Geomagic ( Studio, Eshell, Qualify ),
Cakewalk.Sonar.v7.0.Producer.Edition, Autodesk.
3D.Studio.Max.v2008(Win.x32/x64), Microsoft AutoRoute Euro 2007 with
GPS Locator, Peachtree Premium Accounting 2007, Adobe Photoshop
Elements 6.0, Reason.v4.0.HYBRID, Finale.2008, Apple Mac OSX Tiger
10.4.10 for Mac Intel, QuickBooks 2008, Quicken 2008,
QuarkXPress.v7.3, Microsoft Office 2003 Pro with SP3 (5 cd), Windows
LIBRARIES, other new programs

please send e-mail to :   ola 'AT' mail 'DOT' gr , ola3 'AT' mailbox
'DOT' gr , www 'DOT' 20000plusdvdsandcds 'DOT' tk , ( please
substitute 'AT' with '@' , and 'DOT' with '.' ) , ola@mail.gr,
ola3@mailbox.gr, www.20000plusdvdsandcds.tk

2007/10/17 Autodesk.3D.Studio.Max.v2008(Win.x64)
2007/10/17 Geomagic.Studio.v9.SR3
2007/10/17 Geomagic.Eshell.v8
2007/10/17 Geomagic.Qualify.v9.SR2

2007/10/17 Autodesk.3D.Studio.Max.v2008(Win.x32/x64) 2DVD
2007/10/17 Cakewalk.Sonar.v7.0.Producer.Edition 1DVD
2007/10/17 MSC.FEA.AFEA.v2006.R1 2CD
2007/10/17 MSC.Patran.v2007.R1B.Linux 2CD
2007/10/17 UGS.NX5.v5.0.2.Update.x86/x64 2CD

2007/10/15 Autodesk.3D.Studio.Max.v2008
2007/10/15 Digital.Anarchy.Knoll.Light.Factory.v3.0.for.Photoshop
2007/10/15 TransMotion.v1.57a.For.LightWave
2007/10/15 Avid.Xpress.Pro.v5.7.5
2007/10/15 Avid.NewsCutter.XP.v6.7.5
2007/10/15 Conoa.Superpak.v3.0.for.After.Effects
2007/10/15 Fandev.BikiniDots.v2.0.5.for.Adobe.After.Effects
2007/10/15 Sony.Cinescore.v1.0c
2007/10/15 IK.Multimedia.Sample.Moog.VSTi.RTAS.v1.0
2007/10/15 OhmForce.Ohmicide.Pro.VST.AU.RTAS.v1.10.MAC.OSX.UB
2007/10/15 ADAPT.Builder.ABI.v5.0
2007/10/15 Bentley.Microstation.GEOPAK.Suite.v8.08.02.81
2007/10/15 Bentley.Civil.Extension.for.GEOPAK.v08.08.02.81
2007/10/15 Bentley.PowerCivil.v08.09.04.37.for.Powerdraft.XM
2007/10/15 Bentley.PowerSurvey.v08.09.04.37.for.Powerdraft.XM
2007/10/15 VariCAD.2007.v3.00(Win/Linux)
2007/10/15 CAD.Translators.for.Cranes.NISA.v15.1
2007/10/15 Ceetron.GL.View.Inova.v8.0
2007/10/15 Dimsoln.Combined.3D.v4.0.0
2007/10/15 Dimsoln.Foundation.3D.v4.0.0
2007/10/15 Dimsoln.Mat.3D.v4.0.0
2007/10/15 Dimsoln.Shaft.3D.v3.0.0
2007/10/15 Leapsoft.Conbox.v7.0.1
2007/10/15 Leapsoft.Conspan.Rating.v7.0.1
2007/10/15 Leapsoft.Consys.v1.3.0
2007/10/15 Leapsoft.Geomath.v7.0.0
2007/10/15 Leapsoft.Rc-Pier.v7.0.0

2007/10/15 Avid.Xpress.Pro.v5.7.5 1CD
2007/10/15 Avid.NewsCutter.XP.v6.7.5 1CD


Adobe Photoshop Elements 6.0
Lynda.com Dreamweaver CS3 Beyond the Basics (1 dvd)
Lynda.com Dreamweaver CS3 Dynamic Development (1 dvd)
Lynda.com Soundtrack Pro Essential Training (1 dvd)
MacDrive 7.0.10
Magix Samplitude SE e-Version
Microsoft AutoRoute Euro 2007 with GPS Locator (1 dvd)
Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac (1 cd)
Microsoft Windows XP Pro with SP2 September 2007 (1 cd)
Peachtree Premium Accounting 2007 (1 cd)
UGS Solid Edge 20 (1 dvd)


MARINTEK USFOS version 7-9, DNV SESAM ( WADAM, HydroD, GeniE, Patran-
Pre, Simo, DeepC ), version 2007


DNV SESAM ( WADAM, HydroD, GeniE, Patran-Pre, Simo, DeepC ), version



   Sesam Fixed structures

   Sesam Floating structures

   Sesam FPSO


   Safeti QRA

   Safeti Hazard Analysis

   Safeti RBI


   Nauticus Early Design

   Nauticus Hull

   Nauticus Machinery


Sesam modelling and structural & hydrodynamic analysis (GeniE/HydroD)

Sesam modelling and analysis (GeniE)

Sesam modelling and analysis (Patran-Pre)

Hydrodynamic analysis of offshore structures (Wadam)

Sesam hydrostatic analysis (HydroD)

Mooring, riser and coupled motion analysis using DeepC


Framework focusing gust wind induced fatigue

Hydrodynamic analysis of offshore structures (Wadam)

Jacket design

Marine transportation and installation analysis

Mooring, riser and coupled motion analysis using DeepC

Progressive collapse analysis using Usfos

Sesam hydrostatic analysis (HydroD)

Sesam modelling and analysis (GeniE)

Sesam modelling and analysis (Patran-Pre)

Topside and jacket design using GeniE 3


Flare tower and bridges including gust wind induced fatigue

Local analysis using volume elements and sub-modelling technique

Stochastic fatigue analysis of plated structures


MARINTEK USFOS version 7-9
USFOS ( Ultimate Strength For Offshore Structures ), is the de facto
standard for non-linear structural analysis of offshore structures
under static and dynamic loading.

USFOS is generally used late into the design cycle, for ship impact,
extreme wave loading, (push over), fire, blast, etc.

USFOS is a useful tool for carrying out Progressive Collapse Analysis
( PCA ) , and Push Over Analysis ( POA ), and space frame structures.

The program is particularly efficient in its ability to model non-
linear collapse of structures, requiring fewer elements to model
individual structural members than would normally be required by other
more general purpose structural and Finite Element analysis programs.


other Software developed at MARINTEK



Mots-cl$(D??(Bs anglais / English Keywords
Offshore production ; Offshore drilling platform ; Offshore
installation ; Safety ; Protection safety equipment ; Emergency
procedure ; Accident ; Refuge ; Temporary ; Personnel ; Design ;
Emergency system ; Structural design ; Structural reliability ;
Optimal strategy ; Strength ; Crisis management ;

Mots-cl$(D??(Bs fran$(D??(Bais / French Keywords
Exploitation marine ; Plateforme forage ; Installation marine ;
S$(D??(Bcurit$(D??(B ; Equipement protection s$(D??(Bcurit$(D??(B ; Proc$(D??(Bdure urgence ;
Accident ; Zone refuge ; Temporaire ; Personnel ; Conception ; Syst$(D??(Bme
urgence ; Calcul construction ; Fiabilit$(D??(B structurelle ; Strat$(D??(Bgie
optimale ; R$(D??(Bsistance m$(D??(Bcanique ; Temporary Safe Refuge (TSR) ; USFOS
program ; Gestion $(D??(Btat crise ;

Mots-cl$(D??(Bs espagnols / Spanish Keywords
Explotaci$(D??(Bn marina ; Plataforma perforaci$(D??(Bn ; Instalaci$(D??(Bn marina ;
Seguridad ; Equipo protecci$(D??(Bn seguridad ; Proceso urgencia ;
Accidente ; Zona refugio ; Temporal ; Plantilla ; Dise$(D??(Bo ; Sistema
urgencia ; C$(D??(Blculo construcci$(D??(Bn ; Fiabilidad estructural ; Estrategia
optima ; Resistencia mec$(D??(Bnica ;


EuroTrader for TS + Manual, Guppytraders Essentials Charting 3.0,
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2.5, MTPredictor for TS, ProfitSource 3.4 & Tutorials, Advanced Get
9.1 EOD, KwikPOP for NinjaTrader 6 + manual, MarketDelta (for IB,
eSignal, DTN IQFeed, CQG) 8.6.3, Sirtrade 2004 for TS + manual, The
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Daily Updates,
TopGun Software + manual, VantagePoint (all modules),
Metastock 10 Pro for eSignal, OwnTrade for Tradestation 8.x, Grail
Software Suite, TrendSignal EOD and RT, Amibroker 4.90, BWT Zones SP
5.0, DynamicTrader RT 5.0, Elwave 8.0 + all modules, NeoTicker RT 4.0,
Tradestation 8.1 SP1 b3264 + OwnData 2.4 (321.940), Tradestation 8.2
b3863 + OwnData 2.5, Wave59 2.15
Tradestation 8.2, Tradestation Genetic Optimizer, Metastock Pro 10.0
RT for Quote.com, Metastock 10.0 EOD, Omnitrader RT 2007 (all add-ons
and all systems), VantagePoint 7.0 (all modules), NexGen T-3 ProTrader
(December 2006),
NeuroS 5.2 and Add-Ons, Professional Tradeadvisor 5.0, Ensign 2006,
MarketDelta eSignal,
The most popular: Top 14:
1. NexGen T-3 ProTrader (Released September 2006)
2. TradeStation v8.1 + Owndata v2.4
3. Vantage Point v6.4 (all 43 modules)
4. CD#48 - Tradestation 8.1 and all Systems
5. MTPredictor 5.0 EOD
6. CD#47 - All Systems for TradeStation
7.1 MTPredictor 4.0 RT
7.2 MTPredictor 5.0 EOD
8. eASCTrend v6.02
9. CD#49 - All Add-Ons for Metastock
10. Ocean for TS by Jim Sloman
11. "Golden Millennium II" - 41 CDs
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Loads of GREAT SOFTWARE ( 20,000 plus programs DVDS and CDs),
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for garment-making workshops, Rockwell Allen Bradley Programming
Software, RSLogix 5, RSLogix 500, RS Linx, RSLogix 5000, Mazak CPC
Software, FANUC Robotics Simulation Software, Lantek CAD/CAM, AMADA
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Professional Tradeadvisor 5.0, Ensign 2006, MarketDelta eSignal, Right Line Traders v 2006, Technical Analysis programs
2007-2004 of stocks/commodities/futures markets, Trading, for Traders,
StockMarket, other Financial software, Tutorials & Manual CDs, Win &
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ola3 'AT' mailbox 'DOT' gr , ( please substitute 'AT' with '@' , and
'DOT' with '.' ) , ola@mail.gr , ola3@mailbox.gr , www.20000plusdvdsandcds.tk