Hello from Europe,
Although, i know, that some of you may consider this questions as
inapropiate to ask,
i deeply desire, to know, what happened to the Philosophy, or the
Samurai mentality in Japan of Today. I have read a german edition of
the Hagakure, and am very impressed by the high moral standards which
the people of the Feudal Era of Japan, the so called Samurai called
theyr own. Since i have also found out, that after, this same
mentality of not fearing death and absolute obedience, has been abused
by the japanese governement in the second world war ( e.g Kamikaze
Pilots ) and thus has fallen in its consideration by the japanese
people of the following years, i wonder, what happened to the high
moral standards ( not the above mentioned not fearing of death, that
is not so important to me ).
I would like to know, wether, it is still in the soul of japan to be
kind and have a high feeling of honour of one self and ones family.
Japan is worldwide considered to be one of the countrys where the
people work hardest and the employees show the highest degree of
loyality and empress in making theyr company healthy and prospering.
On the other hand, i have heard, that the youth of todays japan is
totally different from this...
In Europe and wide territories of the western lands, the samurai
philosophy is today only used as a kind of businnes strategy. But i
wonder what has become of the Tea Ceremony, and the Moral status of
the past era? In Europe we have a high decree of "Loss" in what moral
standards regard, and a wide portion of our youth posseses none of the
above mentioned.
I would be very glad, if someone could take a minute or two, and
explain to me how this situation is going on in Japan, because i hope,
that such a great "Moral Codex" which is of course also dangerous,
because of the potentially misuse of the Loyality ( like with every
religion on the earth, just take a quick glance at the ecqlesia romana
of the past centuries - and of today..) is - because as i dare to say,
as a big part of the "soul of japan" - not going to be drown in the
floods of ignorance and loss of moral standards.

Thank you very much and kind regards from the other side of the world.

Ps:Although i know that, not knowing of something is not a good excuse
for inproper behaviour, i ask you to overread any of my statements
which due to lack of knowledge of the japanese rules of behaviour may
have been rude. Thank you.