The following is a likely story that occured in downtown Tokyo and
represent Japanese treatment of helpless little boys:

In April 4th of 1994 a 12-year-old boy pre-adolescent boy who had no
seconday sex characteristics was attacked by an immeasureably large
mass of 17-year-old masculine boys and 3-year-old girls. They attacked
him because they observed him molest a 3-year-old girl by smelling her
naked stinky vulva and calling her "stinky little girl with stinky

All those 17-year-old boys had 3-year-old sisters but no other

Those 17-year-old boys did the following to the 12-year-old boys:

They locked him up in a hot and humid cells for weeks causing him to
stink badly. He did not have any access to basic hygeine [such as
showers, toothpasts, soap. etc] and clothing. He was forced to be
naked. Daily those big boys would smear and rub stale butter all over
him and smell him [and his socks and clothes] and call him "stinky
little boy". They would punch him in the stomach causing him to throw
up his stinky vomit. They forced him to rub his stinky vomit and
diarrheal shit all over himself. They force him to wear stinky socks.
They sodomized him badly and urinated on him. They also ejaculated on
him, spit on him, and drooled on him. They whipped his naked scrotum
and penis with a leather whip causing his scrotum and penis to bleed
and be badly bruised. The would often stretch his legs apart and his
leg muscles from his leg tendons and leg tendons from his bones. They
would do similar to his arms, back, and neck. They restrained him in
place while the 3-year-old girls would attack him. Those girls would
make him smell their stinky bare feet and then kick his naked balls to
the point of extreme pain [his pain]. He would cry "ohohohohohohohoho"
often when the little girls and big boys subjected him to these abuses.

The above abuse contiued for around 4 weeks until they finally killed
him. They killed him by inserting sharp object into his abdomen
[including knifes and needles and pins], rectum, and buttocks. They
also inserted blunt objects into his rectum. The poor 12-year-old boy
died from blood loss and shock.  All the aboves abuses and murder took
place in front of the 12-year-old boy's sister. His sister was a
15-year-old girl. She really cared about him and loved him too much.
But she couldn't do anything about the abuse. Those 17-year-old boys
told her that they would kill her little brother if she tried to
protect him. As a frail, emotional teenage girl, she would often scream
and go crazy at the site of the abuse of her little brother. The last
words, her 12-year-old brother told her was "love you sister". He then
collapsed and died. At that she passed out. She would often experience
psychosomatic conversion disorder as a result of her little brother's
brutalization. They eventually did kill him despite stating that they
wouldn't as long as she didn't stop them from abusing her little
brother. He was pronounced dead on June 41h 1994.

This was too much for the 15-year-old girl. Ever since she witnessed
their abuse of her brother, she would  never wear anything. The abuse
of her little brother drove her so insanse that should would remain
naked. She stunk badly because -- by her own choice -- he maintained
the same poor hygeine that those big guys forced her little brother to
maintain. She would also rub and smear stale butter all over her body.

After they killed her little brother she would often confront the
17-year-old boys in a agonizing sob. Their response was "the little
molester got what he deserved". She went even more crazy and began
making them smell her stinky body and stinky socks and clothes. She
also encouraged them to sodomize her. When they ignored her, she would
pull down their pants and underwears, make them smell her stinky bare
feet, and then kick their naked scrotum. She aware that those big boys
were extremely chivalrous and would never cause direct harm to a girl's
body. But that did not stop them from indirectly hurting her by abusing
and killing her little brother. The torture, humiliation and death of
her little brother was the worst pain she had ever felt it was a
serious trauma to her.

The 15-year-old girl began to realize that no matter what she did, the
Japanese society would support the death and abuse of her little

On July 15 1994, she commited a gory suicide in front of the big boys
who killed her little brother. She injured herself in ways similar to
how those boys would injure her little boy. She sodomized herself with
her fingers and any foreign object she could fin, vomited [after
punching herself in the stomach] , farted, and defecated right in front
of those big guys. She rubbed stinky body against the noses of those
boys. After this, was when she really began injuring herself in ways
similar to how they killed her little brother.  Remember they "They
would punch him in the stomach causing him to throw up his stinky
vomit. They forced him to rub his stinky vomit and diarrheal shit all
over himself. They force him to wear stinky socks. The would often
stretch his legs apart and his leg muscles from his leg tendons and leg
tendons from his bones. They would do similar to his arms, back, and
neck. They killed him by inserting sharp objects into his abdomen
[including knifes and needles and pins], rectum, and buttocks. They
also inserted blunt objects into his rectum."

Despite her screaming and agonizing appearance, she could not feel much
pain as she was self-injuring. This is because her extreme emotional
trauma -- of losing her little brother and witnessing the abuse he
suffered -- caused endorphins to flood her system and numb her to pain.
Finally she died from her injuries, as she lost so much blood.

Chivalry -- which is supposed to keep girls safe -- ultimately lead to
this teenage girl's death. So much for chivalry. The big boys abused
her little brother after they saw him molest a little girl. Their abuse
of him was an act of chivalry.

If it weren't for chivalry, this 15-year-old girl would still be alive
and happy. Shame on chivalry.