Paul Blay wrote:
> "aa-bne-1" <> wrote ...
> > It is not so much laid-backness or humorousness which is the problem, it
> > is that the abuse and arguments which follow a request for information
> > are actually disruptive to a search for information.
> When the request for information in question is "Tell me what I want to
> know you really sucky newsgroup of sucky people that I hate" the low
> number of quality responses really isn't too surprising.

Apart from "Mister - why - can't - everything - in - Kanagawa - be - in
- English - including - the - publicly - supported - local - library -
system, and - by - the - way - you - are - all - beneath - me -
especially - the - non-americans - who - didn't - vote - for - Kerry -
merely - because - they - couldn't  - dickhead - at - ibm", I can't
even think of anyone who has been even mildly dished when asking a
genuine question.

At least not recently. Perhaps I should scratch my head and ask a