Sigi Rindler wrote:
> > Would have needed to put some clothes on first, and in any case,
> > prefer not to invite any stranger in. I guess since the downstairs
> > living room is viewable from the genkan area that would be the
> > thing to do next time. I'm surprised they work Sunday nights.
> >
> They are not NHK employees but get a commission when signing up a new

> victim. The also check whether you have a BS antenna on the roof. I
> seen any of these collectors after I was less polite to a very nosy
one 10
> years ago. I think I can make them decide to vanish within 10
seconds. For
> the Watchtower people I need just 5 seconds...:-)

So what is the vanishing technique?

Haven't had any missionary types around yet, just the NHK bloke and a
newspaper spruiker who apologised and fled when gaiginsan answered the
door. I didn't even speak that time, he was gone at first sight.